Reviewed by - Gerilyn Dawn Miller

Review Given By: Gerilyn Dawn Miller

Location: Cedar Rapids, IA

Date: November 10th, 2020

Review Source: Google Review
Ratings Given:
5.00 out of 5


Have your employees more trained have somebody that has a little more responsibility and a little more compassion for some people's losses some of the health seemed like they were just pulled out of high school make a few bucks here and there throwaway anything and everything did not care a lot of family heirloom things away a new look so old they could have asked never asked to do it in a big bag of garbage High School diplomas there was nothing wrong with those a garbage including my mothers and mine and my sons I graduated from the same High School they just threw it away in a bag of garbage and I'm still waiting for them to finish the house it's been since July and this is November and nothing is even close to being done they said maybe after Christmas that's just too long